Monday, November 14, 2011

Desert Farm Girls Does Salsa

Doing the Salsa

I love salsa!   It is one of the healthiest and tastiest sauces and can be used for so many things. 

Since we had to harvest our Stupice heirloom tomatoes before the frost hit, we had an abundance of tomatoes.   We sold quite a bit at the Tivoli Fresh 52 Farmers and Artisan Market but still have a bit left.   I've been wanting to make salsa too - in my spare time - LOL.  Well, yesterday I made 10 pints.  It was so easy - I cheated.  I used the the Ball Salsa mix. 

I can honestly say it turned out great!   It is spicy but I like spicy.   These two jars are going to be gifts for Merriam and Darlene.  We're still celebrating my birthday . .  going to Vitner's Grill for lunch.   Diet?  what diet?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life's Blessings


I never win at slot machines, I never win Publisher's Clearing House or the Lotto.  But one thing I can say, is that I am lucky, very lucky.

Last night, after the close of the Las Vegas Crafters Guild Harvest Boutique, Mike and I headed over to Merriam and Bill Olds' house for a casual dinner party.  Bill's brother Beau was visiting from Washington D.C.  We had heard so much about him and were looking forward to meeting him. 

Much to my surprise, this was just an excuse for a surprise birthday party for me!  I never expected a thing.  Mike and Merriam spent a few weeks planning it.  I did not have a clue.  By the way, Beau was there too.

The food was incrediblel - kahlua pig, lomi salmon, laulau, ribs, fried chicken, noodles, rice, shrimp, crab salad, cheese, salami and more.  And of course, wine, beer and Bill's famous margaritas.

Cake and presents followed . . . . wonderful gifts from wonderful friends. 

I can say I am truly blessed.  The pics are not of the party but of friends and different times that we have gotten together and had a good time.  Friends are to be cherished. 

Thank you all for a wonderful birthday surprise from the bottom of my heart.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Las Vegas Crafters Guild Craft Boutique

Handmade Cards
Button Bracelet
Hammered Copper Links and Wire Wrapped Bead Bracelet

The Las Vegas Crafters Guild Harvest and Craft Boutique
November 11th & 12th
Friday and Saturday
The Lakes Lutheran Church
8200 W. Sahara
corner of W. Sahara and Cimarron
10-5 Friday
9-4 Saturday

Credit and Debit Cards Accepted
Free admission and parking
 Bring a friend.

Some pics of handmade items for sale at the show.

24 Carrot

Baby Amarillo Carrots
It was late August or maybe early September, Rick had just put in some new rows for planting.  I didn't have much in my seed hoard that  I thought would  make it through the first frost (though I  found out later I was wrong) so being on the cheap and not real energetic, I gathered the dried carrot seed heads in the field and broadcasted them on the new rows.  A gentle wind helped with the task.

By the way, carrot flowers are beautiful.  A  dense cloud of small white flower clusters that resemble Queen Anne's Lace.   Bees have a love affair with them. They are nice dried too and could be used in a dried arragement. 

These little baby carrots are the result of the impulsive broadcasting. Petite  baby carrots that are darn cute.  They measure about 3" long without the heads.  Great for crudites, saute, steaming.   A delicious, unexpected treat.

Supply is limited but get them while you can. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Can We Keep Him?

I am getting ready to head out to the farm.  Just put on my socks and Bianca is at one of her normal perches.  Sitting on the top of our chair in the bedroom and looking out the window to our side yard.  This is one of her habits and we have to make sure to open the shutters or else she will drive us crazy pawing at them to get them open.

One of her other habits which I think is funny is she loves to claw?  windows, tubs, etc.  As if she wants to file her nails down.  It looks like she is running in place but vertically.  She does have a scrathing post but she loves to paw hard surfaces too.  Long story short, she was doing this at the window, and I thought okay - she's doing what she does. . .  but I was surprised and delighted.

Please, please, can we keep him?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Basil Jelly -Summer Captured in A Jar

Basil Jelly

One of the best things about summer and I don't mean the heat, is that basil thrives!  We planted our basil in the latter part of July and have enjoyed harvesting it up until the 3rd week in October.  

Making basil jelly was not part of the plan, but since we were trying to save our produce from the frosts last week, we harvested as much basil as we thought we could use in a reasonable time. 

I've been wanting to try a basil jelly recipe and this was a great opportunity to do so.  I searched the web and decided on a  recipe from A Taste of Home based on the 5 star rating, its' simplicity and ease.


4 cups water
2 cups firmly packed fresh basil leaves, finely chopped
1 package (1 3/4 ounces powdered fruit pectin)
3 drops green food coloring - optional
5 cups sugar


1.  In large saucepan, bring water and basil to a boil.  Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 10 minutes (more if you prefer a stronger taste).
Strain and discard basil.  Return 3 2/3 cups liquid to pan, stir in pectin and optional food coloring.  Return to roling boil over high heat.  Stir  in sugar and boil for 1 minute, stir constantly to get out lumps.  Remove from heat and skim off foam.

2.  Carefully ladle  hot mixture into  sterilized half pint jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace.  Remove air bubbles.  Wipe rims and adjust lids.  Process for 15 minutes in boiling water canner.

Yield - 6 half pints.  1 serving - 2 tablespoons - 87 calories.

Use on meats, serve with cream cheese and crackers, add to base for salad dressings. 

I did not skim off foam and didn't quite get lumps out so my jelly turned out a little cloudy.  Didn't use green food coloring either - I like the natural color better.  And one last thing, I used the Ball pectin that comes in a jar - 6 tablespoons equals one box.  I think a few flecks of basil in the jelly would have been great too. 

One jar is a gift for my dear friend Nancy who shares her incredible recipes with me.  Here's one for you, Nanc!