Saturday, May 12, 2012

Spring Slipping Into Summer

Spring is quickly slipping away and we are facing warmer days ahead.  I mowed the grass in the backyard today and noticed our apricots are almost ready to pick - actually some had already fallen from the tree and the birds are beginning to peck at the perfectly ripe ones.  We will be picking apricots this weekend and feasting on them, maybe put them on cereal or ice cream.

I took pics of the changing palette of the yard.  The irises are done, the roses need to be pruned of spent blooms.  The volunteer pomegranate tree is blooming so we will have some fruit in the late fall, the figs are beginning to flush out - another thing we have to compete the birds with, and my niembergia is blooming.  I love these purple flowers.  They are a little hard to find in the nurseries.  A beautiful trailing plant to cascade down a planter, this plant is about 4 years old.  It blooms profusely for a few weeks.  It dies back in the winter and needs to be cut back in the spring but what a nice reward. 

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