Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bee Happy

It was a beautiful Friday evening and we were winding down the week.  I'd taken out some steaks for dinner,  a Boccelli CD was playing and wine was poured.

My husband went outside to turn on the  gas grill   but immediately came back into the house, very grim faced and said "We have a problem".   Several thoughts went through my head, like a broken gas line or something catastrophic , but instead he said we had a colony of bees building a nest in the top of the grill. 

I looked  through the glass patio door and saw wax combs hanging on the underside of the grill cover and laying  on the grill.  Of course, my reaction was totally different.  I thought how cool!  

He was worried  they were Africanized but we concluded if they were, he would have been stung already.  He bravely went back out,  closed the lid of the barbecue and not a single  bee took notice of him.  Steaks got broiled instead of grilled and  made  plans to  call a bee keeper in the morning.

After a few phone calls, we found a bee keeper NOT exterminator whot would come  and take the bees.  And here are our pics . . . . .

Jose, Bee Keeper

Bee Keeper Assistant (me)

Combs and Jose using vacuum to gather bees into box

More combs with honey, pollen and bee babies

Removing the combs from the barbecue cover

Bees going to a new home, please come back and visit


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